Thursday, August 30, 2012

Crocheted Baptism Gift

Finished crocheting a Mitered Square Patchwork Baby Blanket for a wonderful repeat customer. It's a baptism present and themed with safari/jungle colors. It sure was a fun, wild pattern that I enjoyed from start to finish! Now it's going to a good home to be loved by a very special little boy. I just love crocheting special handmade gifts for my and other's loved ones. My work truly comes from the heart, every stitch! Each piece is just as important as the next.
If you are interested in any of my pieces or want a piece that I haven't shown yet, don't hesitate to check out my website and contact me. I'll get in touch with you as soon as possible. I'm open to customization in colors and design. There's a wide range of possibilities to make your piece as unique as you!

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