Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to Hookin Stitches' Blog!

Welcome to the Hookin Stitches Blog! Here you will find my creations that I have crocheted, which I sell at my Hookin Stitches site. I do offer to blog about what I'm crocheting during certain time points to allow buyers to see their item being made as if it is being made right before their eyes. I think it's a wonderful experience for the buyer to see how their item is being created along the way. I love to make my pieces as personal as possible and put all of my heart into every stitch. Why not give a handmade gift to loved ones? 

Come to this blog or my site to see who I will donate to next. I try to have one week each month set aside to give a percentage of my sales to an organization. I want to share my talent and help out others. If enough money is raised for the organization, I will also donate crocheted items that would be useful for that organization. I generally donate an item for every $20 raised.

I will also be sharing some crocheting techniques further down the road as time allows for me. Please be patient for this area to get started. I'm more focused on giving the best quality pieces to my wonderful customers, who I appreciate very much, and sharing my talent.

Thank you for checking out my blog! Look out for special deals that exclusive to this blog and on the Hookin Stitches Facebook Page!

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